
Meditation for Pain

If you have ever experienced pain, or have had a loved one in pain, then you are probably experienced with attempting to alleviate the suffering. There are many medications, supplements, exercises and meditations for pain that can help, and most of us have tried many of them. Unfortunately, it may be the case that there is no one thing or even a specific combination of things that are going to completely alleviate one's pain and suffering. However, we continue to try new combinations until we find our solution. I feel compelled to share my favorite meditation for pain by Deepak Chopra. The first three minutes of this meditation is music. Then he begins guiding and explaining how this particular meditation process can help with pain.  I realize that this may not work for everyone, but it works for me sometimes. It depends on the level of pain, but it always brings some relief, and so I need to share it.  Also, keep in mind that the more you practice this particular process, the bett


Reincarnation Believing in God, does not rule out believing in reincarnation. The book of Hebrews in the Christian Bible (not the words of Jesus, and author unknown), says that man (meaning mankind / humans) will die only once. This is true. The mortal physical body that you are in right now shall only die one time. It says nothing about your immortal soul which does not die, and therefore can potentially reincarnate.  While reincarnation cannot be proven scientifically, there is also no scientific proof of a higher power. What we have as evidence is thousands and thousands of people who have experienced memories of past lives.  Some of these are children who provide unbelievably detailed information about their past life, where they lived, how they died, and even the people in their past life. This is normally a recent past life, not one from thousands of years ago. I will admit, it is easier to believe that souls can and do reincarnate if you happen to know someone who has experience

Speak to your cells

The late great Dolores Cannon taught that we must speak to the cells in our body. According to her and many others, we have the power to facilitate our healing.  We are more than physical beings.  We must learn to communicate with our bodies and direct our cells to heal themselves. The cells can connect and communicate with each other in order to regulate, rejuvenate, renew, and replenish when needed.  How do you speak to your cells?  It is not as difficult as you might believe. I can give you an excellent example. I have tachycardia, which means that at times, my heart rate goes too high. I learned many years ago that if I simply do some deep breathing, which I learned in my younger years from singing and from yoga, I can influence my body to regulate my heart rate. It literally works within a couple of minutes. This is the reason I believe Dolores Cannon. If I can instruct my brain or my heart, or the cells, to regulate my pulse, then surely I can influence other functions as well.